Thursday, May 23, 2013

Poor Amanda...

A Twitter convo between Amanda and Simon, according to her, 'M' ( I assume it's Martin) is going away soon. Hmm, to NZ finally?

They were later 'joined' by Jamie Freeman a.k.a. Martin's elder brother. Watching over Amanda for your little bro, Jamie? =P

(Source: @simonpegg)

Other updates from the rest of The Hobbit casts (mainly the dwarves):
Dean O'Gorman a.k.a. Fili tweeted this pic earlier today. Already hitting the pub at noon? O_o?

(Source: @Deanogorman)

And Adam had completed shooting for Ori, on his first day back on set. :)) 

(Source: @BrownAds)

And also Luke, who touched down in Auckland this morning. :)

(Source: @TheRealLukevans)