Friday, May 10, 2013

TGIF! + Concerning The Hobbits Movie Facts

Yup, it's already Friday in Singapore. I'm writing the draft of this post on my way to work as I forsee it will be a busy day.

Anyways, I went for alittle shopping again yesterday at Books Kinokuniya. (Shopping is a great destress tool.) I was actually looking forward to spot an issue of Japanese's Screen magazine coz' it's got a Sherlock feature in it. Well, no such luck there. =/

I did spotted Martin in the latest June issue of Empire magazine though! I was overjoyed. ^^ l will scan and share the good bits of Martin in a later post this week.

Just before I left the store, having already paid for the magazine, I spotted a 'gem'. The minute I flipped to the back cover and saw Martin's face, I knew I had to have that book. And now a proud owner of it, I did not regret it. The book gave a short description of the characters in The Hobbit movie series and also on the background and various interviews made by the actors who played them. Not forgetting a 'Did you know?' section, telling you little known fact about the movie and the actor.

The book inspired a meme which I posted onto

I had a class last night and didn't reach home till close to 11. However worn out I was after listening to the lecturer basically 'blabbing' out the lecture non-stop, without giving us a moment to absorb it... (Argh, how I wish my lecturer's Martin, I can stay forever in classroom just listening to him give lecture in his lovely voice~ xD)

Hmm, got alittle carried away, aren't we? Ahem, so I was exhausted but I had to get that meme out and made. By the time I finished it, it was almost 3 and I have wake up for work in like 4 hours' time. I have no regrets. I absolutely enjoyed the process.

Wow, this is turning into a loooong post. Check out some of my thoughts on the discoveredfacts after the jump with a break down of a few of the sections of the meme I made. Happy weekend in advance!

Fact: Tobey Maguire, David Tennant and James McAvoy had all been considered to play the role of Bilbo Baggins.

Tobey Maguire
First seen him as Spiderman, no offense but I've never been a fan of his. I just find him to be too 'geeky' looking in Spiderman and it stuck with me. ^^;

David Tennant
Umm, he will always be Bartimius 'Barty' Crouch Junior to me from Harry Potter. The moment he morphed from Professor 'Mad Eye' Moody back into Barty Junior - it had been seared into my brain. I mean, no doubt he's a great actor. But his looks aren't along the line of a young Bilbo.

James McAvoy
He would have made a great version of young Bilbo but I think he's too pretty and cute! But we all seen how cute he was as Mr. Tumnus in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and Wardrobe.

Conclusion: Martin Freeman ish the PERFECT choice~!

Fact: Before Peter Jackson took over the rein from Guillermo Del Toro, Guillermo had actually approached Brian Blessed for a potential Thorin. 

Fact: Guillermo also thought Ron Perlman will be a perfect Smaug. 

Conclusion: We can see the difference opinions of both Peter Jackson and Guillermo Del Toro on casting. Guillermo tends to go to those rugged, talented, experienced actor type. And PJ tends to go for talented ones with the looks. =X I mean PJ seems to select his actors with the fans in mind. No matter what, I am glad that Richard Armitage is Thorin, Benedict Cumberbatch is Smaug/Necromancer and Martin Freeman is Bilbo. <3