Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Till next time

After his on-screen Dad, Bard the Bowman, wrapped last week, John Bell, who's playing the son Bain, has also wrapped today with lotsa love from rest of the cast.

And that's the guy, Hayden, who replied to me on Twitter yesterday. Feel really bad that I didn't recognise him... >_< Did more digging, and I swear I thought I have seen him somewhere! So he's Martin's Bilbo's double! 

And the gift for John, is not a Lego but a greenstone for him, which symbolises 'strength'. Really sweet gift. =) 

As for the Dwarves, it's another cold day in Wellington:

And a rap video (?) from Stephen. Some fun at lunch. Featuring Graham, Adam, Dean and himself. ^^;