It's the very first day of the beginning of a new month, June~ I have been pushing this post back for a few days now. Been wanting to do a special post on the Cornetto trilogies - Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World's End. The 12 pubs in The World's End especially. Which pub in the movie has a real life existing pub of the same name? Let's go find out. *Nods*
The list of the 12 pubs:-
On the side note, you will realise that the version on the left, only bears the names of 11 pubs whilst the one on the right has all 12 of them. Not sure if this is on purpose but it's weird. I recounted a few times myself, coz' the version I found was the one with 11 pubs' names. I thought I missed out on one of the names. -.-'''
The 12 logos of the pubs:
We will go one by one, starting from:-
1) The First Post
Did a little 'research' and there is indeed a pub named 'The First Post' located in Hampshire, UK.
2) The Old Familiar
Found no real current existing pub so far by the name of this pub, according to my research, it seems to be a reference to The Winchester in the Shaun of the Dead movie. The exterior shots of The Winchester is a actually done at The Duke of Albany pub, in New Cross, which is unfortunately been demolished.
A Lego version of The Winchester with the cast, made by the fan, Yatkuu:
3) The Famous Cock
I have to make this comment, well, what a name. Hmm, but I was thinking, could be a reference to Simon Pegg's character, Gary King, whose abit 'cocky' in the movie? =X Managed to find a pub by the same name, located in Greater London, UK. The actual name is The Famous Cock Tavern.
4) The Cross Hands
Although, the pub's logo's no where near the one as the movie, but at least the name matched. ^^;
5) The Good Companions
Found one by the exact same name located in Brighton, UK.
There's actually another pub by the same name located in the village of Hamsey Green, UK, but I found article saying that they are actually going to demolish the place but locals are fighting against it. Seems like a great place though.
Read the article here:
6) The Trusty Servant
Here we are on the 7th pub on the list. Seems like an old pub to me judging by the screenshot from the movie. The pub's sign's kinda 'shady' and a tat bit creepy looking if you ask me, with the two men holding the beers in the background. And doesn't the face resembles Paddy Considine who is playing Steven in the movie? I think it may also imply to a certain character in the movie who bears the characteristics of being 'trusty'.
Located in Minstead, is the exisiting pub with the same name. Except that their pub sign features a half-goat, half-stag creature called Hircocervus.

7) The Two-Headed Dog
Next up, we have The Two-Headed Dog. Weird sign there with a white two-headed dog chained to the ground.
No pub with the same name found so far. This is a picture of the pub on the movie set:
However, a Blues/Psychedelic/Rock band with the same name did turn up though.

8) The Mermaid
No surprise there, I expect the name 'The Mermaid' will be a pretty common name used for various commercial entity's names.
Sharing the same name and featuring a 'sexy' half-nekkid mermaid on their sign is this pub and inn located in Burford, UK.
One of them is located in Hertfordshire, UK:
There's one in Ipswich, UK:
There is also a British themed 'The Mermaid Pub' located in Tokyo Japan:
9) The Beehive
Several pubs under this name as well. This one's in Norwich, UK:
Also, The Beehive pub and restaurant, London, UK:
10) The King's Head

Okay, this one's far too obvious. That's defintely Simon Pegg's face in the pub's sign. And also the pub's name 'The King's Head' is related to Simon Pegg's character somehow coz' Gary King, The King's Head. Geddit? Also, the pub's name is being mentioned by Edgar in Shaun of the Dead.
Another name which I expects to see as the name of various pubs all over the place. I was right. My search on Google turned up probably a dozen of them. I'm just gonna feature a few coz' this post's as long as it is right now... Two more pubs to go. *Sweat*
Here's one located in Warwickshire, UK:
A rather shiny and modernish looking red signage for The King's Head Theatre Pub in Islington, UK:
Pub & inn located at Salisbury, UK.
11) The Hole In The Wall
The 2nd last pub on the list. The sign of the pub, gives me the impression that, even though the characters are being chased by alien robots, they are gonna finish what they came for, even if it means having their drinks served through the wall? I think so. At least.
A also quite a common name, this one's located at Hampshire, UK. No funny hand sticking through a hole in the wall just 'Hand Pulled' and 'Ales & Lagers' and 'Fine Wines' and 'Good Food':
Situated under a nice tree, is another pub of the same name in Cambridge, UK:
12) The World's End
Finally, we've reached the last one. I spent like forever doing up this post. Whew. This is another really great and popular name for a pub. I also found like a dozen of them but I'm just gonna put up a few.
The World's End Inn in Dorset, UK. The way they presented their sign is kinda similar to the movie's:
This one's located in Camden, London, UK:
The World's End in Knaresborough, UK:
You will like after such a long post, check out this guy's version here: He's got a pretty good post on decoding the significance behind the pub names in The World's End. Some of my reference came from him but I only take what I can use. His stuff is more of the historical side. Yup.
I will make a separate post soon on a comparison between the three movies in the 'Cornetto' trilogy soonish. =)
Hope you enjoy this post and find the information somewhat useful. Whereas, for me I'm gonna enjoy my weekend and have my own 'in-movie' pub crawl with the gangs from The Hangover Part III. I'll end with some pics related to The World's End:
Dearest Martin, <3
This pic is taken at such a right moment that Martin and Simon
almost seems like holding hands. Lol.
Edgar and Simon
The Three Cornetto Musketeers