Sunday, June 30, 2013
*UPDATED* Poor Martin...
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Goodbye Legolas
Following Ian McKellen and Evangeline's Tauriel, it's time to say 'goodbye' to Orlando Bloom's Legolas as well. PJ posted on Facebook earlier today, along with a special video of Orlando on YouTube.
Friday, June 28, 2013
"Goodbyes are not forever... Goodbyes are not the end...
...They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again." And so, PJ just posted on Facebook on completing the last shot with Ian McKellen's Gandalf.
The Amazing Amanda ❤
I tried my luck yesterday to ask for a hug from Amanda on Twitter, when she's online and I saw that she didn't reply, I was alittle disappointed. Then, last night, I went to bed and had a dream, where she really did reply my tweet.
You can now make your own pub sign~
Swingin' with Martin
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Shadowing Martin...
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Crazy for Martin Freeman is now on:
Martin Freeman related, about this blog or personal questions, etc. =) Ask me anything at
It's Wednesday and I'm still in love...
Made this last night. Featuring the man who is so suitable to be placed next to anything colorful~ xD
Details Revealed For The Hobbit Extended Edition!
Disclaimer: I did not photoshop Martin's face into this pic which was originally Merry's body, someone else did. I just did some editing on my own. ^^;
Details are finally revealed for the extended edition of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The origins of the three flavour Cornetto trilogy~
Ok, I'm slow on this one. Actually saw it last night, while laying in bed. Yup, here it is. Interview with Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright and Nick Frost of the origins of the three flavour Cornetto trilogy~ Nope, sadly, no interview with Martin on this one, though there are some snippets of him in the movie though, which you can find after the jump along with the video. =)
The Arrival of The Desolation of Smaug Empire Cover!
It was released yesterday and Twitter was abuzz with the landing of this cover. As much as it is a nice cover but being a Martin fan, you know, we wish for the hobbit to be on the cover instead. =/ This is my own rendition of the cover. Not a good job but... You know... ^^; I just wanna get Martin on it. =P
Monday, June 24, 2013
Martin's feature in Japan's SCREEN magazine~
I first got a 'glimpse' of the August 2013 cover of the Japanese magazine, SCREEN, on a Tumblr site. I had thought it was an old issue due to the old pic of Martin they used on the cover. ^^; Then a few days later, I got the e-mail notification from the magazine itself and yes, that's the latest cover of the SCREEN magazine~ So happy! xD The scans of the 'juicy' parts of the magazine after the jump! =)
Keep Calm & Sip Tea Like PJ
It's Monday... yet again... Hope everyone had a great weekend~ =) Some round up of updates from the dwarves and PJ over the weekend!
This is a pic I photoshopped, somehow there are fans out there who wants a pic where we can both see Bilbo's as well as Smaug's faces, facing the camera... ^^;
Friday, June 21, 2013
Hope Martin Won't Get Blown Away...
It's stormy and rattling, windy times in New Zealand currently. The dwarves have all tweeted about the extreme weather. I'm not too worried about the rest coz' they are either big and strong enough and are wearing weighted costumes. Not too sure about Little Martin though. Hope he hangs on and don't get blown away. =P
Thursday, June 20, 2013
It's Already Thursday!

Sunny Smile Birthday Boy + The Hobbit Extended Version Release Date
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Martin's Oliver
Thought we can take a look at Martin's character, Oliver Chamberlain, in The World's End.
In my own world, Martin is the lead in all the movies. =P
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
A conversation between a Hobbit's wife & a Dwarf
A pic I did for the fan request over at the forum. Since it's a Chinese forum, there're lotsa request for Chinese-themed pics... ^^; I have to say, Amanda looks great in a qipao! =))
Still hard to believe...
Made this last night, am officially addicted to 'playing around' with Photoshop. =P
Haven't have the time lately to go dig and 'unearth' more photos of Martin lately. Thought I can do one today.
...Fleeting nudity?
It's been a quiet Sunday and Monday ever since that generator caught fire. Nothing much to 'report' on but the verdict has been 'passed' for the Extended Edition of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey~ Wee~ Can't wait!
Something curious about the 'rating' is that, they added in this line 'fleeting nudity' after the original and usual 'intense fantasy action violence and frightening images'. Now, that is some extra 'goodie' to look forward to... =P
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Hope everyone's alright!
Check out the full article here at
After some digging...
It turned out to be the event called The ROXY Great Gatsby Charity Ball:-
Official website of the Roxy cinema:
We love you, Master Dwalin!!!
After much wait, there is finally a pic of Martin~ As tweeted by Graham McTavish earlier today at a 1920s themed fund raising event at The Roxy last night. This is the first thing I saw when I woke up this sunny Saturday morning~ <3 What a treat. xD
Martin looks so cute in a bowtie~ <3 The dwarves lookin' alittle tipsy here at this point. =P
Friday, June 14, 2013
Martin, Andy & Richard on Empire Podcast
Another audio interview that I have 'dug up'. This time it's a rather lengthy interview on Empire Podcast with The Hobbit cast, Martin, Andy and Richard.
P/S: I recommend skipping directly to the 14th minute where the interview officially starts. ^^;
*Special mention*: Thanks for the comment and follow from Adoor Yeh on SoundClound on the effort I made in digging up Martin related podcast interviews. =) Really made my day and given me the strength to carry on this blog. ^_^
On retail therapy...
It's finally Friday!!! It's been a hellish week at work for me. So, I have been going on some 'retail therapy'. One of the things I bought will be the July 2013 issue of Empire magazine which feature The World's End.
Actually, I had the choice between SFX magazine and Empire magazine. SFX also did a rather 'tiny' feature on The World's End but they did have a great review on The Hobbit's DVD/Blu-Ray/Ultra-Violet release. Tough choice but I decided on Empire magazine instead for it's uber cool Wolverine cover and richer contents. =P
Scans after the jump. As usual, please right-click and open image in a new tab/window view full size image.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Joining in the hype!
After an entire day of joining in the hype for the release of the first trailer of The Desolation of Smaug, I'm back to my blog!
Found this off the Net, doubt it's official poster but a fan-made one.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
It's FINALLY here!!!
And it's definitely worth staying up for!
Fans are looking forward with anticipation to the teaser trailer of The Desolation of Smaug. Some of them wish they will not show Smaug at all. They prefer to keep the mystery around the dragon. ^^; Umm, I can say they didn't get exactly what they wish for. Well, watch the trailer to find out yourself. Hehe. =P
Some caps after the jump.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The nice people at Middle Earth News...
...has converted the time 10.00a.m. PDT which was announced on The Hobbit Movie's Twitter and Facebook page to the corresponding time zone:-
So, yeah, I was right, I will be parked in front of my computer tonight at 1a.m. to catch the trailer. *Thumbsup* Meanwhile, I am trying to find out something from PJ's daughter, Katie. I can only pray and hope it will not be a 'heartbreaking' answer from her. >_<
Bugging the dwarves... =P
Whilst we are all waiting in great anticipation for the teaser trailer of The Desolation of Smaug, I have been busy 'bugging' the dwarves on Twitter. Not to the extend of being a nuisance though. =P
Monday, June 10, 2013
The World's End New Character Posters!
Today is a happy day for me~ With the official poster of The Desolation of Smaug unveiled but also new character posters from The World's End. And this blog achieving its 2000th hit~ Life's good~ xD
So, Martin is The Trusty Servant. <3
My hopes are almost dashed...
More news on The Desolation of Smaug, Peter Jackson's spokesperson has confirmed to that there will be no Wellington premiere for the second Hobbit film:
Read the article here:
My 100th Blog Post + It's Monday Eye Candy - Martin for You
Hope everyone has a great weekend! I didn't have a good weekend though. I was 'recalled' back to work for some 14 hours, photoshopping like 50 photos of military items. -.+''' Did I mention that there're undies, socks...etc.
Anyways, enough whining. This marks my 100th blog post. Enjoy your Monday 'eye candy'. =X
*Updated* Official Poster: The Desolation of Smaug
The first official poster for The Desolation of Smaug had been released! As unveiled on The Hobbit's Movie Twitter as well as by Peter Jackson himself on his Facebook page. And what's more that the first official trailer will also debut tomorrow, 11th June, Tuesday, at 10am PT / 1pm ET. That will be 6p.m. at UK, 1a.m. in Singapore on Wednesday and lastly 1p.m. in the States. Oh all the excitement and anticipation! Can't wait!
Friday, June 7, 2013
No longer a one-sided conversation~!
After hoping for like a month, I finally get a tweet back from one of the Dwarves - Jed Brophy a.k.a. Nori~ I'm so thrilled~ Although it's just a very brief exchange... ^^;
The size of Martin's head...
There is this Twitter convo between Amanda and Sherlock's production designer, Arwel Wyn Jones, which happened today. Though the pic was posted sometime last week. It was a looong thread of tweets which Amanda later joined in when the topic steered toward the size of Martin's head. =X
First, Arwel posted a pic of himself (the guy on the right) and Martin with the fans as the backdrop.
You can now 'pass'!
Exciting news for all The Hobbit fans as word has it that the trailer of The Desolation of Smaug has been approved by the BBFC!
*Updated* It's Friday already! Let's do something fun~ xD
We've reached yet another Friday. This week's seemingly been a rather short week for me. Anyways, aren't we all glad it's already Friday. Anyways, a few days ago I was bored and I got down to do some photoshop manipulation. Basically, just putting Martin's face on movie characters that seems 'fitting'. =X
Here's one of Martin in Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka 'gear'. I don't know why but Martin seems to be real suitable in exaggerated shades and clothes ^^;
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Martin & his dogs
I'm probably slow again but I came across the interview Martin did with The Blue Cross back in 2007 where he talks about his dogs. The sound quality isn't very good but still better than nothing, I guess. ^^;
So this is how he got the kettle and mug.
We are approaching the special digit of 1895~ It's a special number for me coz' it's the number Dr. John Watson's hit counter stopped at, on his blog. Hehe.
Thank you to whoever you are, my blog's visitors. =) Martin Freeman, this blog, following the tweets and news has become a hobby of mine which I really enjoy. Hope to continue entertaining and keeping you up-to-date on Martin-related news. ^_^
Whoever you are, my 1895th visitor, thank you.
It's Sunshine after Rain in Middle Earth~
Beautiful picture tweeted by Graham McTavish, view from their camp site on location filming.
The Dwarves are working hard on the pickup shoot of The Hobbit, braving rain, strong wind and the cold weather.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Martin Freeman Talks to Sky News Radio
It's the middle of the week here in Singapore, a rainy Wednesday. Why don't we treat ourselves to some goodness of Martin's voice? =3
I have been digging and 'prodding' and came across this podcast where Martin talks to Sky News Radio on the impact The Hobbit may bring to him. =)
Doctor Who?
Twitter was abuzz with the discussion of who will be the next Doctor Who after the current Doctor Who, Matt Smith, announced that he will be leaving the series at the end of the year. So I went and created some pics to see how some of 'nominees' will look like as the next Doctor Who. =3

The thought of Martin in a bowtie... <3 He will make a very cute Doctor Who~
Monday, June 3, 2013
New fave pic of Martin~
I've basically been entering the two words 'Martin Freeman' into Google Translate and going down by the list of different languages and searching Google with it. Half way through the list and here're what I found~
This pic has became my new fave~ Not sure if anyone seen this but it's actually by the photographer, Paul Stuart, from Twenty Twenty Creative Agency. It's a photoshoot for The Sunday Times. :) Check out his other work on the agency's website here:
This is a bad sign...
Sunday, June 2, 2013
11 Dwarves, A Wizard & A Bowman
Happening today only, June 2nd 3013 in Wellington for a meetup with some of The Hobbit cast!
A tweet from Stephen Hunter earlier today from the Armageddon Expo. :)
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